Santa Fe Machine Works is the best source for high quality screws and barrels. They can help you with custom screw designs and have great service and support locally. Request a quote.

Santa Fe Machine Works Screws and Barrels
Santa Fe Machine Works is a world leader for injection and extrusion screw manufacturing. They offer high performance screw designs and also offer Posi-Melt Technology. Posi-Melt can offer a superior mix that produces 100% true vibrant color and can meet the demands of high melt quality and cycle times.
- Replacement or customization of Injection and Extrusion Feed Screws
- Wexco barrels
- Assistance with complicated upsize and downsize packages
- L.I.M. (Liquid Injection Molding) conversion packages
- M.I.M. (Metal Injection Molding) conversion packages
- Thermoset conversion packages offered
- Minimum ½” O.D. to a maximum 12” O.D. screws
- Reduced cycle times and longer machine life
- Screw recovery solutions for high performance and multiple applications
- High quality manufactured parts that exceed OEM tolerances

What They’re Saying
“Their experience and knowledge, speed of delivery and quality of service we encountered throughout our project was simply world class. There is incredible peace of mind knowing that you’re in the hands of professionals. Their work is of such outstanding quality, they are clearly experts in their field.”
We’re always interested in new projects, big or small. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us regarding your project.
If you want to contact us about any issue please call 909.979.7813 or send us an e-mail. If you would like to submit a proposal for consideration simply submit a quote.